Using Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Mechanisms to Improve Eye Moisture Over Extended Periods of Contact Lens Wear
Millions of people around the world suffer from dry eye symptoms as a result of extended contact lens wear. The objective of this design document is to engineer a solution for chronic dry eyes. The solution must be safe, effective, easy to use, and affordable. The goal of the treatment is to decrease tear film osmolarity by 20 mOsmol/L. Three types of nanotechnologies were considered for this task. The candidate solutions were 1) hydrogel contact lenses infused with lubricant-loaded liposomes, 2) lubricant-loaded microemulsions applied as eye drops, and 3) lubricant-loaded niosomes applied as eye drops. All solutions use polyethylene glycol 400 as the primary active ingredient in the lubricant. The three solutions provide a safe treatment option that allows increased bioavailability of drug and increased retention time, as well as controlled release of drug. A combination of candidates 1 and 3 – namely, hydrogel contact lenses infused with lubricant-loaded niosomes – seems to be the best solution because of excellent drug delivery kinetics and minimal safety concerns. The success of this project would encourage further research in niosome-based and contact lens-based drug delivery. It would also allow this company to expand research and development and further specialize in ocular drug delivery.